Thursday, May 13, 2010

RITMRC featured on Railroad Model Craftsman website

An impromptu photo session last summer created some very interesting images showing us what the R&IT of the 1970s might have looked like. Otto Vondrak created a short article for the monthly "Boomer Trail" feature on Railroad Model Craftsman's web site. (We were also the cover story in the October 2006 issue.) Thanks to Dave Scheiderich for providing the great photos!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

ImagineRIT and iPods

This past weekend was of course the 3rd annual ImagineRIT festival! We had a lot of people down in the club room during the day. In fact, the room was completely packed at times! Kyle stopped down to help run some trains. Overall, it seemed to run very well. We had a few problems with one of the switches at CP367, but it turns out there was just some dirt preventing the points from closing all the way. As a result, we could only run one way over the switch the entire day, otherwise everything that went over the switch would pick it and derail. (Fortunately, HO- cale trains don't cause catastrophic damage when they derail ) We were also running trains using Robert's iPod, using a program that he's finishing up for a final project... This is definitely not your grandfather's railroad!